пятница, 3 апреля 2009 г.

Две статьи относительно корррупции

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Особенно обращаю внимание на статью о правах человека и корруции. Новая тема.


author = {Gathii, James T.},
title = {Defining the Relationship between Corruption and Human Rights},
journal = {SSRN eLibrary},
year = {2009},
abstract = {he relationship between corruption and human rights is only beginning to be seriously examined. A major premise of the ongoing research argues that corruption disables a State from meeting its obligations to respect, fulfill and protect the human rights of its citizens.
This study explores two other relationships between human rights and corruption. First, by showing how individualistic and procedural rights have been used to defeat investigations and prosecutions of corruption by high level governmental officials. Second, in demonstrating
how anti-corruption reforms have primarily targeted the promotion of market efficiency while reducing spending in meeting basic needs and rights such as health and education inconsistently with the social and economic rights of the poor and marginalized. These findings are significant since they show that the relationship between corruption and human rights extends beyond showing corruption disables States from meeting their human rights obligations. Indeed, human rights can be used in support of or against corruption.
The thrust of the recommendations made in this study are premised on an approach to human rights that offers the maximum potential for the democratization of the Kenyan State through transformative constitutional and institutional reforms. In addition, this can be done by expanding human rights concerns to include as a central agenda the social and economic rights of the poor and marginalized as well as minority rights and safeguards.},
keywords = {corruption, human rights, individual rights, procedural rights, anti-corruption reform},
language = {English},
location = {http://ssrn.com/paper=1342649},
publisher = {SSRN},
type = {Working Paper Series}


author = {Rothstein, Bo and Eek, Daniel},
title = {Political Corruption and Social Trust: An Experimental Approach},
journal = {Rationality and Society, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 81-112, 2009},
year = {2006},
abstract = {The main question addressed in this paper is how the great variation in the level of social trust in different countries can be explained. Most empirical research on this question has been based on survey data which has limitations when it comes to capturing the causal mechanisms. Building on theories that point to the importance of trustworthy governmental institutions for creating social trust, two parallel experiments were conducted in two countries where the levels of corruption and social trust are very different. One group of 64 Swedish and one group of 82 Romanian undergraduate students responded to a number of scenarios which describe situations at a police station or a doctor's surgery in a foreign country. The results
supported the hypothesis that trust in authorities influences the perceptions of the trustworthiness of others in general. Even though some of the effects were stronger for one sample than for the other, the influence of vertical trust on social trust was true for both the high- and the low-trusting sample.},
keywords = {corruption, institutional trust, social capital, social trust},
language = {English},
location = {http://ssrn.com/paper=1348607},
owner = {К.К.},
publisher = {SSRN},
timestamp = {2009.04.03},
type = {Accepted Paper Series}

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